I get '12263 SSL_ERROR_RX_RECORD_TOO_LONG' error message when I try to visit my site in Firefox.
Please visit the following URL for solution to this problem:...
I get 'certificate is not trusted because it is self signed' error message when I visit my site
This issue occurs if you already have some other certificate installed for the domain or if a...
The certificate stopped working after I changed web hosting provider/web server.What should I do?
When you change the web server/hosting provider, you need to request a reissue of your SSL...
When I try to visit my site in IE, I get 'This page contains both secure and non secure data' error.
This occurs if some links on the page are using unsecured HTTP protocol. You need to change each...
Why do I get 'Page cannot be displayed' error message after installing the certificate?
This error normally occurs due to following reasons: 1) The website's files are not in the https...
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